I won't bore you with all my bento's in that time (24 of them), but I will give you an update.
First of all: boxes!

My boxen all nice and neat in a row on top of the freezer. All my cabinets are full, so they just stand there. They're pretty colourful, so I rather like it!

Here they are, all opened up and spread out. This just shows how economically you can put them away!

This is my new favorite: a Nightmare before Christmas box set! I have recently found another one, but am not sure if I will buy it. This one is really hando though, 3 different boxes, a sandwich box and a neat little cutlery set. I just love eBay...
So what else has been going on?
I've started to sell some of my stuff on a Dutch site, Marktplaats. Not only did I order more than I wanted to keep anyway, I found out that some people are not comfortable with ordering things over eBay from far away. So, to fill in the gap, I ordered a bunch of egg molds (impossible to get here) and am now selling them. I don't ned to make a profit, just my money back, so I can keep my prices pretty low, and for people with webshop-anxiety this might be an ideal solution.
On a personal note: all is well at the B's. We're well out of the Honeymoon period, and closed it off with a weekend in Brussels. We went to see HP6 on Saturday, and on Sunday went to an exhibition and did some shopping (chocolate!). I myself also went to London for a weekend, no hubby. Found some pretty cool things there, including yogurt in a strawberry or raspberry shaped holder. Really cute:

I also got the drinks bottle ther. It has a built in cooler system which you can freeze and then plug in the top of the bottle to keep your drinks nice and cool. Too bad it doesn't fit in my insulated bag :-(
You guys missed my cherry fever I'm afraid. I adore cherries, and ate about 2 pounds a week for 3 weeks. Now they're getting more expensive, so I replace them with other things. I'd really like a fruit orchard, just for filling my bentos, but in our garden I'd be happy with finally getting a plum on my single little plum tree... So far it's all been leaves, but I'm still hoping that one day I may harvest my very own plum. When I do, I'll let you know!
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